Monday 1 December 2008

Awesome weekend. Friday night was the usual badminton where my suck-age was fairly minor until I played against the guy that picks the third team. knowing that a spot was on offer my mind went somewhere for a walk and when it came back we'd lost by 10 points. Boo!

Anyways after that it was straight home and stright to bed for me as I knew we'd have a hell of a day of it on sat.

And I was right.

We assembled ourselves at 8AM on the frozen wasteland that was Denbigh Rugby Club. It was, to use a phrase, Baltic. We were loking forward to getting on our way and warming up in the glowing atmosphere of the coach.

Unfourtunatly the coach was a relic from the eightiest and managed to have a failure on the heating system. It actually felt colder on the inside than outside! To say nothing of the poor driver who had to trundle along with the windows rolled down.

It was however better than the coach that convyed us part of the way for my stag do. That poor old workhorse, put out to graze had to be called back into service due to a train failure. The driver couldn't have been much under eighty and the bus was no better suffering for what I can only desctribe as a digital brake. It was either on or off there was no inbetween. We jerked and juddered our way to the capital feeling the worse for wear before the drinking began in earnest!

Anyway backto the preent, or saturday at least. After about four and a half hours our 'Arctic'-ulated lorry rolled into the capital in time for us to grab a beer before heading to the stadium. Pictures below.

The millenium stadium is a beautiful piece of engineering. With masts and flying buteresses to give it the feel of a ship sailed here on the river Taff. the inside gives perfect views from all around and theres something really special about singing your national anthem at the top of your lungs with 70,000 of your countrymen. When the roofs closed the noise is incredible, a swelling surrounding sound that perfectly complemnents the rise and fall of the lyric.

I won't comment on the game apart from saying that it was a real rugby spectecal with wonderfull flowing welsh moves and a dogged austrailia showing why theyre still number three in the world, never out of the game always threatening. A brilliant match and Wales worthy victors.

The england New zealand score was also cheered butr anyways It was soon back to the Frozen goods wagon for the 5 hour journey home and a comfy bed on Andys floor.

Yesterday was spent mainly recovering. And as today is my flexiday I think i'll do the same today.


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