Saturday 27 December 2008

The winter season

Winter sucks hunh? 

EVERYTHING freezes or seises up or gets ignored for far too long.

I'm sitting here in my own private freezer, otherwise called our back room. My liquid lightening thoughts are freezing inside my own synapses as my breathing solidifies in front of me, falling to the ground in lumps of Rob-breath. 

I have a very set routine for writing, the first 2 hours or so are spent flooping around the internet, sorting out email and bank accounts checking my regular list of interests, Warren Ellis, FailBLOG, Penny arcade, a couple of photoblog sites and obviously BBC news whilst listening to new music through the wonder of youtube. 

Once all that is achieved then I gain a zen-like state where I can write the blog or work on some fiction. But up until now I've frozen to the chair before I can get in the writing zone, give up and wander off rubbing my freezing fingers together and muttering about hot toddies. 

So now I'm here and writing at maximum efficiency where did I last leave you?

Oh yes, the staff do was great fun, and no I did not proclaim myself 'King-of-no-pants', merely 'Duke-of-giggling-quietly-in-the-corner' . We had a nice meal in Henry Morgans old house, otherwise known as captain blood the pirate, which was odd. He did have a fantastic cheese selection for a buccaneer.

From there it was on into the bright lights of, ahem, Llandudno. It was nice to see the people you're used to having a professional relationship with relax and let their hair down. No great revelations I'm afraid, just some friends, some drinks, some mild banter and all good fun.

The day after was the Badminton club pub crawl around Denbigh (My poor liver!). A different group of people but all good solid friends and it made me realise that Denbigh would actually be a great place to settle down in. We've got friends all over the place there and it has a very relaxed feeling there. As Wez says the pace of life around here is just so much slower which Is nice for a break for him but for me its how I like to live. I suppose I'm a bit strange like that.

In work for another three days then, which was odd because I've never experienced a slow week in payroll before. We can't do anything for January until we actually get past the 1st for techincal reasons, so there's work to be done, we just can't do it yet.

It reminded of jobs I've had in the past where you apportion work out to make sure it lasts the day, so you're not bored off our butt all the time. Frankly, it was hell. Having less work actually meant more stress in the form of boredom. But never mind. When I go back on the 2nd I'm sure the frenzied pace will have resumed!

Xmas day followed the traditional lovely pattern that I've grown so accustomed to. Em and I do our own thing for breakfast then turn up at the in-laws for 11 for presents, then its straight to the pub for 12 for 2 hours of good beer, good cheer and seeing all the locals we know. back to the house for a massive slice of perfection in the style of a turkey dinner. Then TV/Charades/carol singing until its time to fall asleep on the couch and wander home.

Boxing day is my new families catch-up day. They take it in turns to host a party for the family with a midday buffet and lots of good chat. Heaven.

So to today then. I woke up late, about 8:30, which means my bodies now used to not going to work. Its weird. We forget, whilst we're in pattern of work, who we are outside of our jobs. A long weekend or new experience is usually enough to remind us but its only when you have a good few days off that you remember the person that you really are when you don't have work in the morning.

Today is a day of rest and recoperation and hopefully getting a few more words down.

Hope your holidays were as full of family friends and feasting as mine were.


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