Thursday 30 July 2009

David Cameron and his sweary sweary mouth

One news story that may have slipped your attention with all the important news that the BBC are covering today including a cat that rides the bus, (no really, seriously thanks for that BBC;) is David Cameron Saying the word "Twat" live on a radio interview.

Now the standard response to any swearing on media in the UK is a blanket ban followed by hastily cobbled together apology and then a disappearance to let the public forget about you before reemerging stronger and better than ever.

Cameron apologised in a terrific manner. "If I've caused any offence I obviously regret that," Muttering almost inaudibly afterwards "I regret all right, I regret you ever being born you moaning, emotionally stunted excuses for human beings."

Although I've no idea why people are so surprised, Mr Cameron was a member of the Bullingdon club at Oxford University which is about as close as U.K.'ll get to a fraternity at Oxford. Their focus is on having fantastically elaborate meals, getting trollyed, causing huge amounts of damage and then paying for it straight away, in cash. They'll also de-bag anyone that objects to their boorish behaviour, waiters, innocent bystanders, whoever.

Their most famous formal dinner ended with them smashing almost all the glass of the lights and four hundred and sixty eight windows in Peckwater Quad of Christ Church. As you can tell, anyone that would fit in this kind of company probably has an extensive vocabulary of swear words. 'Twat' is one of the least offensive words he could use.

He's trying to pull the old con, playing the underdog, honest man against the system routine. Swearing casually makes him seem like he's just one of the guys trying to do his best against a crazy world gone wrong.

It's the classic Bush Junior trick. He coasted into the Texas Governorship and into the most powerful job in the world pretending he was the underdog, the simple farmer, one of us. Like he didn't go to the best schools and Yale, like Daddy's money didn't buy him everything he wanted and out of the national guard and out of the cells from being drunk and disorderly at a football game.

So Cameron becomes a little more human and we slip ever closer to another Conservative government.

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