Saturday 25 July 2009

Birthdays, computers and other fluff


No, don't get so shocked you have to hide behind the sofa, it isme and I'm posting WORDS.

This is due in part to my purchasing of a dinky little laptop (I think the kids now days call them notebooks) which makes it much easier for me to sit on the couch with my morning Coffee and do this. Before, if I wanted to sit on the comfy couch and type I would have had to have moved the good ole iMac or evolved arms that were about 20 feet long (And would probably have been incapable of drinking the coffee.)

SO, housekeeping, I'm very well although the first reported cases of Swine Flu have hit our respective offices and social networks. I hope that those that don't have it don't get it and those that have it recover soon. Is anyone else wondering if this is part of the UK's Twelve plagues?

And so it was written that the angel of the lord did visit the corrupt and wanton land of Great Britain and after visiting the plagues of Mad cow disease, MPs expenses, Economic Ressession, and the TV show Katie and Peter stateside (some confusion over the word Jordan) he Quoted thusly "Screw it, lets go old school." and gave them all the spluttering porcine flu.

Works is going well, got a contract until the end of march which is good to have a bit of security. The new boss starts next week or the week after, I haven't met him yet but I'm sure hes suitably boss-like. I hope he realises that we've got a system that works at the moment and it may need tinkering with but it doesn't need tearing down and starting all over again.

Ems starting a new job in Denbigh which she's really excited about, I used to work in the office in Denbigh from 2001-2003 so I know the area quite well.

I know we go on about history in Wales but I've just realised that both em and I now can see Castles from our places of work! how weird would that be if we worked in Milton Keynes?

Okay, I think Wez is a stones throw from the Houses of Parilment althought they have banned stones within a one mile radius I think.

My birthday was a web of awesome and sweet sweet lies. Em took me out to Bodrhyddan Hall where I had some delicious yet poncy food. It was great but the ponce to decent portion size ratio was a little too far in favour of the ponce.

Then Em said 'let go home and go for a pint or two in our local.'

'Ideal' says I. Em then drives straight past the turning for Rhyl.

'You missed the turning' I said, trying to avoid the wheedling note in my voice.

'Did I?' She says with a voice that can mean one thing only, we're not going back to rhyl tonight!

Turns out she has reservation at this very plush hotel near flint. Loveley so it was.

Right, off for a good long walk today to blow away the cobwebs of a night in with the boys.

(Oh and the picture? Let me tell you about that some other time. )

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