Friday 1 April 2011


Bikes hurt when you cycle for a couple of miles uphill. Just so you

Moved back into our house last weekend and celebrated by making my
first batch of beer for a while. its a standard Bitter brew but I'm
going to try and couple of bottle conditioning styles using the basic
brew as the template. (And also brew up the rest of it for the Not-The
Royal Wedding)

We're having our official housewarming on the day of the wedding not
through any anti-royalist republican feeling. I actually thing the
Royals give good value for money (Duchy royal biscuit anyone?)and wish
William and whatsherface all the best but I don't need eight hours of
the bloody thing. If you're reading this blog then you're more than
welcome to join us, bring something to drink and something to throw on
the Barbeque. Plastic crowns and sceptres will be confiscated at the

Been reading the Johnathon Barnbrook Bible which is all about Graphic
design and art. For an art book its surprisingly accessible and it make
you think about how fonts are used and how the shape of the letters
used subconsciously works on you.

Doing a mothering Sunday dinner for both respective mothers at the old
homestead this weekend. Be a chance to flex my culinary muscles. Only
ever done one roast before so I'm looking forward to the challenge. I
might do a chicken roasted on a tray of veg and mini sausages or I
might do a nice rump of beef with some Yorkshires. Mmmmmm How long is
it till lunch?

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