Sunday 13 January 2008


Went for a walk yesterday up in Llanfairfechan with the usual suspects. It was great to do some proper walking again even if it was only for a couple of hours. I was paranoid we'd get trapped up on the mountain if we left it too long so I did curtail the walk a bit early. Parking about a mile away from the start of the hike was probably a mistake as well. Really enjoyed it though we'll have to make more of an effort to actually get out and about in the country around here because it truly is gorgeous at any time of year.

Had a good week in work, taking on more responsibility is great for payroll because you feel like you own that process, like the actual correct payment lies on you. Which, for me, is a good thing.

Then we went for a curry at the best curry house in the area, the service was a bit slow but the curries are so good there that no one complains. I can recommend the chicken tikka Marsala without a hint of irony as it is one of the finest I have ever tasted, even retaining that deep deep red of the tikka spice not this horrible washed out orange that you see mostly everywhere else.

Made some more beer ready for the start of the six nations. the last batch was wonder full from the keg but didn't sit well in bottles. Still drinkable mind you but not the easy pleasant drinking it was straight from the spigot.

About this photo, sometimes the interwebs just shoot out random bits of fluff that make you think WTF? I have no idea what that photo is about but its compelling isn't it? Apparently there was an article in a German newspaper that correlated the number of world war 2 movies on British TV with the week they were in. Peaking at Xmas time of course.

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