Monday 14 April 2008


Saw four films in this bumper weekend some new some old some ace some ok.

From dusk till dawn is just as fresh and weird and quotable as ever. "Did they look like psychos to you? Psychos do not burst into flame when daylight hits them, I don't care how crazy they are!" its tarantino best acting and Clooney is simply gorgeous in it. Not a word i often use about men but he deserves it in this.

Futurama benders big score. Theyre back baby! The show that Fox couldnt kill is returned in a series of feature length direct to dvd movies. The plot is near incomprehensible, the jokes come thick and fast and its simply joyfull to see it again.

Hanibal rising. Is not a film i was keen to see. The scariest thing about that kind of character is the unknown and more importantly, the unknowable "why?" However in spite of all of that it turned out to be okay. Not the "full on gore and brutallity" that the box promised thank God, but a slow and thoughtful revenge movie.

And last and by all means least, priates of the caribean two: legend of the stupidly long title. Now i ADORED the 1st one and was told that this was an abomination so avoided it. Its not that bad but its not that great either. And when youre calling a film of that budget meidocre, somethings gone wrong somewhere.

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