Saturday 12 April 2008


Well, partial success anyways. Came third in our group of five, won two lost two and that could easily of been 2nd if my partner hadn't had the most unreliable serve ever.

Actually thats far too bitchy, I'm really sorry, He played really well and I was impressed with a lot of his long shots and the way he kept his head up even when we were up against it. Not everyone was so lucky with their draw for partners.

In other news: is back, sort of. Notfussed was a group of people I used to do some writing with and for for a couple of years. Its demise in 2003 directly related to me actually starting this blog. I had no vent for my random spleen so I had to start somewhere. Hopefully it'll be back up fully soon. Just working on a couple of pieces for it now.

The Enemy have been accurately compared to the Jam but with a spark and vitality that is definitely this century. excellent stuff.

Coffee is one of my primary treats, in fact I wrote a whole diatribe on it in a piece of fiction that will probably never see the light of day. In fact here it is;
"3: How do I get some coffee?

Coffee, for me, is the universal language of the morning. It does not matter if you rise in your exquisite flat in Pall Mall or in a rough Yurt in deepest Asia, the grinding of the roasted beans and the brewing in hot, not boiling, water is a mantra that steadies the nerves and comforts the soul. The mere running through of the ritual is enough to start you on the road to cope with what ever fate may strew in your path that day and then the magical properties of the draft will imbue you with the courage to at least begin the day in the correct frame of mind. "

I do feel the need to point out its written in the style of an 18th century writer who's just been dispatched to pre-seige paris while the Prussian hordes are massing. The main reason I haven't done anything further with it is I can't decide to make it fully historically accurate or turn it into a 'birth of steampunk' type work.

The history angle will probably win out as its a fascinating, and relatively unexplored period in history without steam powered robots and Zeppelins being thrown into the mix.

Got another weekend of rugby goodness today and that'll probably be it until the Wales tour of South Africa in summer. Its been quite a season even without the grand slam. Its cemented my support of Welsh rugby in general, I think its a fantastic game and much more eventful than a premiership match. IMOHO

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