Friday 24 October 2008

Most of my early fiction (and by early i mean too embrassing to show you) begins with the lead character arriving in an unfamilar city. Often in my mind this place was euston. It's the first place you see if u take the train down to london and the impression it made on my 7 year old mind was monumental and lasting.

Its a bustling hub of a place a mini-Grand Central or micro Gare de Nore. It always fascinated seven year old me.

Who were all these people? Where were they going? Why were they going? What were their stories?

It coloured my viewpoint of beginnings for years. I mention this as I am fast approaching London for what promises to be a truly memorable weekend. The beginning of my adventure as it were. Today i am meeting a couple of old friends i havent seen since my wedding for a sight seeing pub crawl of London town. See a sight, have a pint, is how the theory goes, how it works in practice remains to be seen!

Then tomorrow its my future brother in-laws stag do. A visit to a theme park whilst dressed as super heros followed by... Well, its a secret at the moment but i will update once the feline is well and truly de-bagged.

Drinking on a friday daytime with an old friend or two, these are days to treasure!

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