Wednesday 25 March 2009

A long day and a good evening

Last Saturday was the super-saturday of three international games in one heady 7 hour strech. Wales did eventually lose fter one of the most tense, exciting games of the tournament. It was enlivened greatly by the news that my brother and one of my good friends both of whom had moved to the americas had found a live stream of the game on the interweb nets.

We lost, but we lost WELL which is very important if you actually care about the game.

The amount of bitching and moaning on the rugby messageboards has been ridiculous. I'm interested in discussing the games teams and players, with maybe a little banter and a mild bit of ribbing. i'm not interested in reading WUMs (Wind Up Merchants) little landmines of opnion and conjecture which can make some people explode with anger.

The messageboard culture I think exsists for every interest and hobby if you seek it out. Somewhere out there in the dark uncharted badlands of the internet, there are people engaged in furious discussions of the correct gauge of crochet hook to make a babys bonnet and theres some troll to wind them up.

Oh well.

Its a week until we fly to america and theres so much to do! I can't wait though!

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