Saturday 8 May 2010

Electoral Disfunction

Stayed up until 2 watching the election coverage. Long enough to realise that the seemingly ridiculous exit polls were pretty much spot on. The Lib Dems, whom I've voted for since I was 19 were going to gain an increase in the percentage of people voting but thanks to the historical vagaries of our system actually loose seats.

The coverage was interesting, I thought Channel Four did a good job of keeping the comedy working whilst waiting for actual results. The BBC were stuck with blokes around a table and couldn't cut to 'Come dine with me' or Charlie Brooker being sneering and yet somehow likeable.

And now we have a hung parliament, which can only be broken by the Lib dems making a pact with one of two devils. I can't believe that they are thinking of collaborating with the Conservatives. A Con-Dem-Nation (Not one of mine I'm afraid) wouldn't last but Cameron might use it to oust Brown, stumble on for a few months and then call another election. My only hope is that in the mean-time he pushes through electoral reform, although it has been pointed out to me that if it does go through the Lib Dems will get a more proportional representation in the house but so will the BNP.

It depresses me that nearly nine hundred thousand people in the UK feel so disillusioned that they'd vote for Nazis. Because that's who they are. You can dress it up any way you want. Keep hiding your policies behind a flag we should all be proud of but you are still adhering to National Socialist principles.

I should respect any mans right to believe what he wishes, I even have friends that are Torys, but the BNP make me irrationally angry. I find it hard to believe that in my tiny constituency (35000 voters)there are 827 people that actually put an X next to the BNP.

They should be rounded up and shot.

And its that kind of thinking that caused this mess in the first place.

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