Sunday 7 October 2007


(If you don't care about rugby you should probably skip forward to the next post.)

You are NEVER going to believe the dream I had last night! In defiance of all the known laws of both God and Man, both France AND England beat the supposedly superior teams of New Zealand and Australia to reach the semi finals of the World cup. It was so vivid but I know it was clearly a dream as I was supporting England against the cheating dirty whinging Aussies. What was the excuse this time Austrialia? Did you put your under 15 squad out? Or was that your full strength team being DEMOLISHED by the England front row in the manner they practiced against the Welsh before the world cup?

WHAT? You mean that beautiful dream is real? Thank you God! Thank you Jehova! Thank you Tom Cruise!

Define Irony. Irony is talking yourself up to the press that you're going to win the word cup and then getting beaten by a side that got killed against South Africa 36-nil. Its a beautiful day.

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