Saturday 1 November 2008

Scotland day 1

Woke up early, (no surprises there then) and went for a walk to see the most gorgeous sunrise I've seen in a long long while. Aviemore sits nestled in the middle of cairngorms and which ever way you turn here you can't help but see a mountain!

For someone who grew up with our friendly welsh mountains its almost like being in a bigger version of home. If that makes any sense.

I found out why that pint of Stag was so fantastic, it because its brewed less than a mile away in the cairngorm brewery which I passed on my travels. As I've mentioned previously theres nothing I like more than getting out early and feeling the world spin and wake beneath my feet.

This feels very much like a tourist town which is all well and good but I'm looking forward to getting some real local colour and action.


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