Monday 3 November 2008

Scotland Day 2

Up early this morning, saw a squirrel nicking nuts from the bird feeder. Nothing new there, you might think, but this squirell was a red! I haven't seen one of them for years and years. They've all been grey. anyways I wrote a thousand odd words on this keyboard this morning with a decent cup of coffee and the light dawning through the curtained windows of the front room, heaven.

The rest of the house stirred and then we were all about the bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon(Lox). A few coffees later we were replete and heading out to Fort Augustus at the tip of Loch Ness, Its a beatiful small town which panders a little to the Nessie trade.

From there it was on to Fort William and a little whiskey shop Rob and Caroline know, sadly closed on a sunday in the off season. A thourough lunch of soup and toasties and we were heading home.

I forget the sheer scale of Scotland when I'm not here. The nearest town to us is 20 mins drive and the nearest big place is a good forty minutes. Theres one other house near ours which is unoccupied at the moment and the next nearest house is a 20 minute walk. Thats a long long way if the cars aren't working. The tranquillity and peace it offers though is superb. I could see myself being very happy here for a while before my mysnathropic tendancies die down and I crave more company again.

Its an excellent place to just chill out, do nothing and read some books. Oh, and drink whiskey and write, those are also good.

Going for a serious walk tomorrow, which should be excellent and then, who knows? One of the joys of not having a concrete plan!

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