Saturday 24 January 2009

Some people...

...aren't worth fighting for.

We went out with some of Ems friends from work last night to celebrate a birthday and for the most part I had a lovely time. Met some people I hadn't spoken to before and they were nice. We had a bit of a giggle and a really good meal. But thats not why I'm writing the post. It really would be a very poor headline.

"Rob has good meal Shocker!!!!! He was tempted by the sticky toffee pudding but decided for a coffee instead - scandal!!!!!"

You get the picture.

I'm writing because unfortunately one of the the other couples that made up our party had a quietly furious argument that had obviously been brewing for a while, which resulted in one of them going home early. Now one thing I've learnt is that some relationships are worth fighting for, worth bleeding for and worth crying for. But when you're fighting crying and bleeding all the time for no return, well then you've got to ask yourself, 'Is it worth it?'.

I know its easy to stand on the sidelines and pass comment when I'm smugly married to the greatest person in the world, but I've been in relationships that have reached the end of their natural life and you feel you're working all the time to resuscitate the corpse of your partnership long enough to enjoy a meal or a night out together.

It's sad but you need to just shake hands and move on. You're just going to keep hurting yourselves and each other.

And the real pity is the the lady who's Ems friend is absolutely lovely and deserves to be happy but its sadly obvious that shes not.


So Friday was night out with Ems friends we've got a 2 year olds birthday party to go to this afternoon and then a meal out with some other friends at what is allegedly Rhyls best Indian restaurant. I'll let you know.


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