Monday 5 January 2009

The 'Vimes' Boots Theory

I know its a bit odd to show a knackered pair of boots on a blog, unless theres an "Old knackerd boots blog". Cor! Check out the tongue on that one!!!



Anyways the boots you see above were 2nd hand when I took them on and by that point they'd already been around the world with my brother. With me they've done route 66, a fortnight in New York, Paris (twice) Madrid, Berlin and London more times than I can mention.

They were my first choice footwear, not that they went particularly well with everything they were just ther for me.
I found a new pair of almost exactly the same boots and I knew that the time had come. They were expensive but if I even get half the use I did out the other pair it'll be well worth it.

The vimes boots theory runs that if you buy something expensive and good quality it'll out last something cheap and crap several times over until you've actually saved money by spending more at first! Thank you Sir Pratchett.

Anyways everything else is quite groovy. Really looking forward to Jane and Wez's wedding at the weekend which is a great chance to spend time with the family and friends we've made.


Phil said...

boot thief. you owe ME a new pair ;-)

Anonymous said...

If the shoe fits.....


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