Friday 13 July 2007


Been a bit crap this week due to finishing off my assignment yesterday! Woot! Feel so much better with that out of the way, it was really getting a bit over-stressy for a while. You wouldn't like me when I'm stressy. Not that I turn green or anything I just get a bit, you know, stupid.

So now that's over I've got Cardiff on Saturday to look forward to. My stag do is sure to be an entertaining affair I'm sure I won't get a midget dressed as a smurf handcuffed to me but I'm sure the Motley Crew I've assembled will do the best to celebrate the passing of my bachelor days by attempting to ridicule me.

Actually, they mostly do that any night we go out so I might not even notice the difference.

In other news R. Kelly and Usher are responsible for the most unintentionally hilarious video ever. Turn the volume off right after the point where Usher says "I have a fragrance launch in New York." or you might actually hear some of the cheesy slush.


"I have a fragrance launch..." glad these guys are keeping it real.

(side note: Have you noticed how everyone's now a 'recording artist' rather than 'Singer'? What? Yes I am 95 Humruph.!)

Seemingly these guys have both been dating the same girl and its up to them as modern millionaire around town , with their own clothing labels and Fragrances, to trap her in an elaborate scheme involving both of them, a restaurant, a personal basketball court a library, cigars, sharp clothes and an Aston martin.

It's so overly consumerist it reaches levels of self parody.

Haven't these people read the Great Gatsby? You can own everything and still have nothing.

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