Tuesday 3 July 2007

A question for all the ass-apes.

Why do you have to be cocks all the time? Is there some inner mechanism that run on a cycle beyond human understanding that compels you at irregular intervals to try and destroy any warmth or human feeling towards you? Are you forced against your will into saying the deepest and most hurtful things you can by an Id gone mad?
Or do you enjoy wrecking the lives and happiness of all you come across, tarnishing the souls of any unfortunates that cross your path?

I only ask because one of your butt faced brethren phoned me twice this afternoon. The first time he was as nice as pie and let me assure you, pie can indeed be nice. The second time I couldn't hear him properly as he had rammed the receiver right into his own anus and was farting out the question using his own gas and unique internal geography.

I don't know if it made him feel better taking all his aggression out on me but it did make me call him an Ass-ape in front of my colleagues and they all knew who I was talking about.

So congratulations cocks. Everyone knows who you are. That's how much the rest of the world likes you.

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