Wednesday 18 July 2007

Notes from the Road 11

The Bridal Suite was huge and largely pink.

"I feel like I'm putting on weight just looking at it." whispered Madison in my ear as the concierge showed us around. It felt like everything was made of sugared confectionary I was trying to imagine who would think this fantasy place would be the perfect setting for starting a life together. Apart from an eight year old girl raised on tales of frogs, magic and princes that is.

It took up most of the top floor with two bedrooms (master and guest) 3 bathrooms, reception area and sitting room featuring the largest TV I have ever seen. It dwarfed the fittings in the rest of the room looming out from one wall dominating the available space. No matter where you were you could not but help but be aware of it's presence

I unearthed the remote from beneath a plethora of pink cushions and comforters and turned it on to try it out. There was a political show on and I found myself being frowned upon by Richard Nixon enhanced to a massive scale. I could see every wrinkle and sweat droplet and at this magnification the junkie madness in his eyes from years of power abuse was unmistakeable.

It was an unpleasant reminder of the uncomfortable times we lived in. The ingrained patterns of lunacy that could allow a vicious, amoral subhuman like Nixon to be elected to absolute power by the people of this nation not once but twice. We like to believe that politicians are motivated by a higher purpose, a greater power but every once in a while a pigfucker like Nixon comes along to remind us of the painful reality they're vengeful greedy idiots just like the rest of us.

I turned the TV off in revulsion and unplugged it from the wall as a safety measure. I stood up and saw Bran looking at me with a puzzled expression.

"Nixon," I said pointing at the blank still domineering TV.

He nodded sagely as if this were a totally normal response and walked on through to the bathroom.

You would have thought that after sending all that time in the harsh environment of the desert we would have been lounging on the couches that seemed to almost swallow you, with the air con turned up to full, ordering room service like it was the last days of the Hiatt Regency in Saigon, basking in all the man made luxury we could get.

But we were having none of that fake comfort, sitting on the wooden balcony overlooking the lake, watching the pale, sickly moon rise slowly with all the artificial lights in the suite turned off, smoking endless cigarettes and sipping moon-warmed rum. The night was close and deep with the scent of the pine trees permeating the air with a fragrance so fresh that it ironically reminded me of newly scrubbed floors.

Bran had already departed heading straight for the master bedroom with the fairly pessimistic instructions not to wake him 'Until the first bombs start falling. Theirs mind you, not ours.'.

Dog was curled up out side Bran's room his scraggy brown coat looking stupidly out of place against the violent pink door. I was still unsure if he was house trained but so far he hadn't left us any unpleasant brown surprises so I felt the odds were good.

Madison and I were sitting facing the lake with the bottle and an unspoken feeling between us. She brushed a stray strand of that dirty blonde hair I had come to love, out of her eyes caught me looking and smiled.

"You okay?" She said still smiling at me.

"Yeah," I replied moving closer towards her until her heavenly profile was outlined against the moon. She drew herself closer to me and angled her head towards mine as I leant in and our lips met and merged. The delicate rhythm of our silent conversation spoke of yearning and passion that had lain hidden for far too long. When we reached the end of the sentence she broke off but without moving her head away said " Well that was a long time coming,"

I placed my hand behind her head, gently tangling my fingers in that enticing hair and drew her into me again.


It was late morning when I awoke, I knew she was gone before my eyes were even open. I was still curled around the empty space her slim body had occupied in the bed. The guest bedroom was mercifully white and clean but still had hints of the hideous pink that suffocated the rest of the suite.

I swung myself out of bed, stretched and caught sight of myself in the mirror fixed on the wall and grinned at a freeze-frame flashback of last night, playing in the cinema of my mind.

I found my trousers hanging from the light shade and pulled them on walking into the main lounge shielding my eyes against the morning sun and spotting Bran on the balcony.

He had his shirt off and one of those foil sun screens that must have come with the room, wedged under his chin trying to top up his already considerable tan. he looked like a gigantic turkey half wrapped in foil ready for the oven.

I found my shades and cigarettes on the table and walked out into the blinding light up to the rail looking out to mountains.

"She's gone hasn't she?" I said without looking to Bran by way of morning greeting, lighting the first of that days smokes.


"When I say gone I mean real gone, not like she just popped out for milk or something. She's left for good hasn't she?"


"Was I really that bad?" I asked only half joking.

"I found this," Said Bran and handed me a piece of stationary with my name inked on it in a delicate hand I recognised as hers.



I'm sorry things turned out like this. I didn't mean to leave straight after what happened but I had already decided to go before last night. There are just some things I have to do and work through on my own. You and Bran have been great road buddies but its time for me to move on again.

When my time for travel is over I'll find you again, we have much unfinished business. Stay happy and stay in the phone book. I will find you.

Give my love to Bran and Dog,



The sun continued to shine and the bird continued to sing but something inside just turned to ash as my heart broke.

"We'd better go." Said Bran interjecting on my little world of misery.

"Yeah, ..."

"They've probably run a credit check on that card I gave them by now and found my name isn't Stefan Maraschino."

I stared at Bran open mouthed as a polite yet firm knocking on the door began.

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