Thursday 16 April 2009

America day 2

Woke up rather early and marvelled at that feeling you get when you're in a foreign country in a strange (yet comfy) bed.

I was up around 5:30 doing some research on the PC and checking email / writing. I like this holiday lark. The last time we were away in scotland was the last time I felt this comfortable and this inspired to write.

So gradually the house awoke and various rounds of toast and coffee were consumed. Then the four of us piled into Moby and headed out into the wilds of conneticut heading for the nearest mall.

Barnes and Noble are a bookshop in the same way Tescos is a corner shop. They have so many books the whole place is in danger of reaching critical mass of knowledge. You could loose yourself in the map section its that big.

After that we went onto Llions favourite guitar store where they also had hundreds and hundreds of guitars bases amps keyboards...musicians nirvana basically. That was very cool but nothing really tempted llion excpet for a rather nice headless bass which for some reason reminded me of David Bowies guitar in his 'Tin Machine' days.

We came back to the house to pick kara up and headed to Catsup and mustard which is a burger joint in Manchester itself which serves the bestest burgers ever! After that we took a long break back at the house and walked into town which was a good way of acclimatising to the different pace of things out here, we stopped in a park and chilled out for a bit before heading back to the house. We passed a graveyard and Em noticed that all the gravestones from about 1760-1800 had the same figure of an angel on the top of them. This graveyard was so old a tree had grown up and amalgamated a gravestone into its trunk! It just looked wrong in a horro movie way!

Steve came back just after we did and kara cooked a delicious veggie curry and sweet and sour chicken. the veggie curry had bits of tofu in it which actually made it worked really well.

Then we headed out to an upscale arcade which was kind of cool, I tried two totally new things to me. Dance Dance revolution and skeeball. Skeeball is like a coits and hoops type game with balls and ramps if that makes any sense. And DDR (Which is what all the cool kids are calling it ) is ubiquitous in the UK but still this was the first time I'd seen a machine without a gaggle of kids surrounding it waiting to laugh me off. It was really fun even if it was on Waltz setting rather than Super-Hyper-techno-techno-techno-techno.

Back to the house for lots of lovely sleep. Woot!

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