Thursday 16 April 2009

America day 8

Hard to belive we've been in America for a week and this is the eighth or ninth state we've visited!

Breakfast at the hotel was good (and free!double plus good!) then we walked out onto the jersey shore to see the manhatten skyline from the east side. It was breathtaking.

With the storm could heading in (and snow!) we headed for the subway and got to greenwich village via Christopher street and took a wander around the washington park (closed for repairs) had a decent lunch at a irish/mexican joint which we showing the Chelsea-Liverpool game that no-one was watching. We then continued our meander around the backstreets and found the bookshop in the photo that contains 18 miles of books! Its like theyve manged to put 5 million books in a space for 2 million books well worth a visit from there we walked upto the united nations building which was very austere and impressive then through grand central to wall street (lotsa security) and then to ground zero afterwhich we needed a drink so we went through a couple of irish bars and ended up in the hotel we stayed at a couple of years ago.

Boy thats gone upmarket! Cost us twice as much for a beer as we had been paying then a quick snack before riding home on the subway after being in town for well over 12 hours on our feet.

1 comment:

RaggedLady said...

You found the STRAND! I have spent many happy hours in that store, can't believe I forgot to recommend it to you!

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