Thursday 16 April 2009

America day 9

Slept in (Surprisingly!) found out we hadn't been successful in trying to get Daily show tickets. It was worth a shot though as it would have been cool to do!Headed into the city proper an then onto Brooklyn heights. The first photo is the view from teh promendade overlooking manhatten itself. The biuldings and the sop are very classy around there.

We walked further into brooklyn and very gradually, street by street it seemed to change from rich to poor Until we were right in the middle of what looked like a very deprived neighbourhood.

It felt rather intimidating, I mean no-one started anything or gave us any hassle but it was a bit odd to be on crowded streets and clearly be the only tourists there. Probably wasn't a sensib;le thing to do but prospect park made it more than worth it. It was the orginal design for Central park and gave/gives residents of the city a green lung. Its beatufully designed.

From there we took the subway all the way down to Coney Island which was dreadful. Like Rhyl but with the misery ramped all the way up to 11. Tacky shops crowded broken broadwalks facing a freezing atlantic ocean. Not my favourite place.

After that I really needed a beer so we headed back to brooklyn heights and took shelter in a lovely pub which had 12 different types of proper beer (Non of this bud/miller/coors chemical garbage). We stayed there quite happy until the sun went down and we walked back across the brooklyn bridge at night and took some stunning photos! One of my favourite things we've done here.

After that it was time for some well earned sleep.

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