Saturday 14 April 2007

drunk travellog: random snipets

Ankle length black leather skirt on a boy as pale as snow.

"Bobble bobble."

"Hi mum, meet Cindy!"

"thats every mans fantasy, park and ride!"

a busy bar with four people in it.

Rob chocolate.

animated toilet.

"taxi? My arse!"

a well dressed middle aged man, drunk, shouting "Lost!" at the top of his lungs at the pretty girls of the madrid midnight metro.

two lovers meeting on the steps of the square and being so taken with each other, for them, no-one else exsists.


Bard said...

you really are dunk at this time of day are you not? crazy flam! groove, pigskin knickers , boiled breasts , chinwedge

Anonymous said...

hell yeah. I can still remeber writing about half of those last night. bit of a slower day today!

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