Thursday 5 April 2007

If power corrupts...

So first we get talking CCTV cameras, then we get lie detectors for Benefit scroungers. All this after text messages to immigrants to let them know their visas were about to expire.

Is it just me, or has Tony Blair's government just gone batshit loco?

They jump on the nearest sound bite however knackered and tired it is, and ride that burro till it dies on it's ass. But don't worry, they'll be another half-baked, crackpot idea along in a minute.

This isn't policy making. This is pandering to plebeian tastes and interests. Creating a feeling that 'Things are being done' whilst actually achieving bugger all.

I am not someone who naturally feels our rights are being eroded. I understand the need for speed cameras and warning labels but this is just stupid.

If someone is scamming the benefits system then there have to be more effective ways to catch them but think of the reverse situation.

You rely on benefits to actually survive the scummy life that fate's dealt you.

You've never even returned a library book late and every other week you're forced to go through Herr Voltniemers probes and prods asking you awkward questions about your mother and if you did five hours casual labour last week just to get the money you need to live.

How about peine forte et dure to get people to admit their guilt? It would save millions in wasted legal fees. How about the Judas chair for those caught feeding their kids saturated fats?

What about the Iron Maiden for anyone convicted of three or more Asbos? That would sort the fuckers out.

To quote Bill Hicks I'd think about emigrating but that would mean I'd be subject to our foreign policy.

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